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Counseling Mission and Vision

Camp Hill School District Mission & Vision

Mission: The Camp Hill learning community is committed to providing all students with foundational skills, knowledge and opportunities for lifelong success.

Vision: "Educational Excellence, Community Strength, Student Success"

Camp Hill Middle School Counseling Department Mission & Vision

Mission: School counseling is an integral component of the Camp Hill School District’s educational process. The comprehensive school counseling program is based on three domains:  academic, career, and social/emotional development. Students are growing up in an ever changing, complicated, and diverse environment. The school’s counseling services, delivered by committed, certified school counselors, are necessary to help provide ALL students with the foundational skills, knowledge, and opportunities for lifelong success.

School counselors recognize the importance of students being emotionally prepared to learn and being placed into a program compatible with their needs.  In order to ensure students’ emotional preparation and program compatibility, school counselors enter into a partnership with multiple stakeholders including students, parents, educators, businesses, community, and post-secondary institutions.

By utilizing direct and indirect student services, school counselors afford equal access and equity to all students with the opportunities and resources to enable them to accomplish developmentally appropriate goals. 


Vision: The Camp Hill Middle School Counseling Program envisions a future where all students realize their potential for maximum success and graduate ready to live, learn and thrive in a global community.  By addressing academic, career and social/emotional development, all students graduate with the necessary skills to achieve postsecondary goals, demonstrate social-emotional intelligence, and become contributing members of their community. It is the CHMS counseling program's vision for all students to become life-ready learners, achieve personal success and make a positive difference in their home, workplace, and global community.